March Madness Literacy Night, Tuesday, March 28th, 2023 from 6:00p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Northside Elementary. Enjoy a great time with your teachers and parents. Each child will get a free book.
almost 2 years ago, Darla Grob
Battle of the Books competition today, grades 2 and 3 competed this morning. Results: Northside 3rd, Westside 2nd, East and South tie for 1st. Great job Northside! It was a great competition!
almost 2 years ago, Northside Elementary School, Cynthiana KY
Northside Beta Club members packed 100 first-aid kits for local farmers in less than 1.5 hours!!! • These kits will be given out at a community event called "Farmer's Aid" on March 25th. This event is to bring awareness about the mental and physical health of farmers and agriculturalists. If interested in the event please reach out to, Ms.Hannah.
almost 2 years ago, Hannah Perkins
pic Harrison County Family Resource and Youth Service Centers in conjunction with Harrison County Public Schools are hosting nationally recognized speaker Michael DeLeon on March 20, 2023, at the Harrison County High School Auditorium. Come be part of the solution to helping our youth understand the dangers of vaping and fentanyl. A pizza dinner will begin at 5:30 pm, and the program will start promptly at 6:00 pm. Registration for this event is not required, however, if you plan on eating, please complete this short form by scanning the HC QR code with your phone. Thank you! jp
almost 2 years ago, Northside Elementary School, Cynthiana KY
Have supper or a sweet treat at DQ on Wednesday, March 15th to support Northside Beta Club!! 🍔🍦 • 5:00pm-8:00pm
almost 2 years ago, Hannah Perkins
A few of our Mathematicians celebrating World Math Day!
almost 2 years ago, Mary Heimlich
World Math Day
Spring Picture Day is Wednesday, March 15, 2023
almost 2 years ago, Darla Grob
Picture Day
Help us celebrate World Math Day on March 14!
almost 2 years ago, Mary Heimlich
World Math Day
Spirit Day #4 Students and staff dressed as their future career or favorite restaurant worker! • Tomorrow is our LAST spirit day. As of right now Kindergarten is in the lead for the most spirit this week! *Once results are in for tomorrow the winning grade level will receive a special treat!
almost 2 years ago, Hannah Perkins
Northside students, live and in concert at HCHS!
almost 2 years ago, Northside Elementary School, Cynthiana KY
More pictures! See ya tonight!
almost 2 years ago, Northside Elementary School, Cynthiana KY
Rehearsal for Northside Spring Choral Concert tonight! Students arrive at the HCHS Auditorium at 6:30pm, show starts at 7:00pm! Smencils on sale for $1 before and after the show! See you there!
almost 2 years ago, Northside Elementary School, Cynthiana KY
Students and staff enjoyed dressing up as their favorite zoo animal today! • Look below to see our dress up day tomorrow!
almost 2 years ago, Hannah Perkins
Spirit day #2 Students and staff dressed up as their favorite movie character, book character, or singer. • Tomorrow is dress up as your favorite zoo animal.
almost 2 years ago, Hannah Perkins
Today's Northside PTO meeting has been rescheduled for next Wednesday, 3/15/23, from 5:00 pm until 5:45 pm. Thank you! JPowers
almost 2 years ago, Northside Elementary School, Cynthiana KY
Don't forget that Thursday evening March 9, 2023 will be our music program. I hear some of the teachers are going to perform too.
almost 2 years ago, Darla Grob
music program
Today kicked off our spirit week! Students and staff dressed up as their favorite decade today. See pictures below. • Tomorrow is dress up as your favorite movie or book character!
almost 2 years ago, Hannah Perkins
Tune into WCYN Radio tomorrow morning to listen to some awesome Beta members talk about all of our accomplishments so far this year and to kick off National Beta Week! 🎙️
almost 2 years ago, Hannah Perkins
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
almost 2 years ago, Darla Grob
Cute Cat in the Hat
Office Staff
Thing 1
The Hilltop Clinic is back!!! This is a great opportunity for our students. Please see the attached flyer. Northside will be sending home parent information in the next few days or so.
almost 2 years ago, Northside Elementary School, Cynthiana KY