Northside Junior Beta Club is hosting a first-aid/medical supply drive for local farmers!🚜
It starts on March 1st and ends March 15th
See the picture for the supplies that are allowed to be bought and brought in.
Each student will receive a letter this week with all the details. 😃
We appreciate ALL our readers this morning!
Lona Rorar, Mary June Brunker, Marsha Moses, Josh Jenkins, Maria Bell, Forrest Hunt, Sharon Hill, Keith Merritt, Dr. Harry Burchett, Miriah Eden, Trent Harris, Rick Dycus, Coach Ray Graham, MaryTodd Ashbrook, and Brad Yearsley. :-)
A big thanks to our celebrity readers for Read Across America!
More photos from Read Across America at Northside Elementary!
Thank you to our guest readers for Read Across America Day at Northside Elementary! More photos coming soon!
Shop. the. Scholastic Book Fair with your child on Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023 from 3:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m.
Northside Dance Information for Parents. :-) JPowers
Read Across America Week
The Book Fair begins on Monday, Feb. 27, 2023. Be sure to set up an ewallet for your child to make their shopping easier.
Due to the weather this afternoon, there will be no after school program for our students.
Mark you calendar, and join us for the Northside Music Program.
Help us celebrate "Random Acts of Kindness Week" across the district! Please see the attached flyer for information on spirit days, and our schoolwide drive for pet supplies to benefit our local animal shelter.
Keep Calm! Monday is the 100th day of school. Celebrate with us!
A couple Beta members had the opportunity to be filmed by the Board of Education! They did an outstanding job.🎥
Northside Beta members had their Christmas party after school yesterday!
They participated in many festive activities!
Merry Christmas from Northside Beta Club🎄
The Grinch has finally settled down for story time.
Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Rosie are MAD at the Grinch today. He made a BIG MESS!
The Grinch is at it again. Today he got Mr. Stephen's ladder and unrolled some toilet paper to make a mess.
Look who raided the milk cooler last night? It's Mr. Grinch! His mischief knows no end!
The Grinch is back at Northside this year. He made his own "Naughty and Nice" list today.