40 book Challenge

Dear Families,

I really want to encourage our students to read and find what it is they love to read.  We are starting  the 40 book challenge for our Northside kids.  This is a fun way to encourage kids to read different genres of books in hopes they can find one  they truly love.  Students are encouraged to read a book, log the title and the genre and take the AR quiz and score 80% or better to earn a sticker to go on their badge that hangs outside their classroom door.  When they have earned 40 badges we will hold a celebration (at the end of the school year).  Listed below are the different genres students are encouraged to try out. As student finish a book and log it they may bring it to the library to collect their sticker.

Good Luck and Happy Reading,

Mrs. Grob

Genre List

  • Fantasy *Mystery

  • Realistic Fiction *Graphic Novel

  • Scary Story

  • Nonfiction

  • Biography

  • Animal Tales

  • Sports

  • Science Fiction

  • Fairy Tale

  • Tall Tale

  • Historical Fiction

  • Poetry

  • Fiction

  • Folktales

Northside 40 Book Challenge

Student Name __________ Date _________



AR Score

Sticker check